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Problems in the performance appraisal process: the most common errors and how to treat them?

The problems of the performance evaluation process are one of the most important problems facing human resources officials. On the one hand, it is an important process for measuring the performance of employees and knowing their results. On the other hand, the negative evaluations can have a negative impact on employee morale and even their loss as well.


The most common problems in the performance appraisal process and how to treat them?


This efficiency may be nothing more than an effect of early employment enthusiasm, and it will quickly fade. The employee himself may need a continuous push to help him develop himself and give the organization the best performance, but all of this separates him from the bad effect resulting from him by a hair called the performance evaluation method. A bad or non-neutral performance evaluation process may not only cause the loss of a successful and passionate employee, but also affect the entire work environment and make the organization perceived as completely unfair and unprofessional. Therefore, if you want to avoid the most important problems in the performance appraisal process, you must first know what they are, what harm they cause, and how they can be treated as follows:


Blurred vision

The problem with performance evaluation here is that the human resources official does not know exactly what the purpose of this evaluation is. He views it as a means of accounting more than a means of evaluating and analyzing performance. Here his evaluation process will be affected so that he becomes an investigator and an executioner at the same time, so that he looks for mistakes and not advantages, and he looks for failures and not successes, and the report is formulated to make the employee appear weak in performing his work and unable to adhere to his responsibilities, which in turn will shake the employee’s self-confidence, or make him see himself as not He is valued in this organization and that the company does not give him enough appreciation that he needs.


To solve this problem, the human resources official must first understand what the purpose of this evaluation is, and what he wants to achieve with this evaluation. For example, the main task of evaluating the tool is to raise the employee’s capabilities and improve his efficiency, so the human resources official must understand the job tasks. The employee’s job tasks and the level of performance he wishes to achieve, and then divides the goals into small tasks that can be achieved gradually, so as to facilitate the periodic evaluation process and facilitate the employee’s achievement of his goals.


Unfair comparisons

Most human resources officials make this mistake when they hire a new employee, making a comparison between the new employee’s tasks and abilities and what the old employee achieved and the skills he possesses, forgetting that each individual is unique, and in doing so he does not examine or understand the capabilities of the new employee and tries to exploit them well. Perhaps the employee may possess different skills, but this method of evaluation may limit the new employee’s potential. Thus, the organization has lost new skills that it may be able to benefit from extensively later.


Unfair comparisons can also include evaluating the employee negatively based on a decrease in his effectiveness due to circumstances beyond his control, such as his family being exposed to a death or a lack of luxuries available to help him achieve his goals, or the presence of arbitrariness in facilitating routine matters for him, all of which are factors that affect the employee’s efficiency. and his usual level of productivity.

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Fayfa Avenue, Ar Rawdah, Jeddah 23431
Fayfa Avenue, Ar Rawdah, Jeddah 23431